Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Think Better of Others

Divine intervention has a totally different meaning to some people.

Those who overlooked of the Mighty powers at hand working it's magic in any given situation usually do not know what hit them is always much better off than what is in store for us should we decide otherwise.

Anybody can say a lot of things in hindsight..

Monday, 29 October 2012

30 Things Most Woman Should Know and Should Have by the Time She’s 37.

This was written by myself two years back. I was inspired by an article by Pamela Redmond Satran - A Glamour magazine contributor on 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30. And this is my very own personal piece..

30 Things Most Woman Should Know and Should Have by the Time She’s 37.

By 37, we should know:
  1. First impressions do count, whether we like it or not.
  2. Our strengths and our weaknesses. Capitalize on them.
  3. That age, truly is just a number.
  4. Nobody will knock some sense into our head if we change for the worst.
  5. Whatever that we wish for, it comes with a price.
  6. If we feel like doing something, just do it.  Procrastination is evil.
  7. How to say what we want to say without making things worst.
  8. Generally, people don’t listen because there’s just too much ‘noise’.  
  9. Taking a short break from our usual regime will preserve our sanity.
  10. Things don’t go as plan? Adapt and adjust. Have faith that it is for the best.  
  11. A not so perfect past is something that we all have to accept. Move on and move forward.
  12. Everybody have trust issues. We can’t even trust ourselves.
  13. How do we like our eggs.
  14. To be very careful with words. Big bad words will always come back and haunt us.
  15. Retail therapy is only considered as therapy, if we splurged using cash and not on credit.

By 37, we should have:
  1. Lots of confidence, it is sexy!
  2. Taken a road trip to anywhere.
  3. Trust our gut instincts. Saves us T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  
  4. Never look for acceptance.
  5. Outgrown all the labels that people tagged us. Be our own label. Own it.  
  6. Never borrow what we can afford to buy.
  7. At least one pick-me-up book to read when we are feeling low, down and out.
  8. Spend our time most with people that matters most.
  9. Never revisit the old flame. There’s a reason why nothing happened in the first place.
  10. Learn to cook at least one main dish and dessert as our specials.
  11. Spend more time at the park. It may not be there forever.
  12. Surprise our loved ones when they least expect it.
  13. Surprise a stranger with a random act of kindness.
  14. A hobby with a lot of zeal and passion into it.
  15. Live our full life in present times. Treasure it!

Much Ado About Weddings

There is something about weddings.. almost magical if I may say. The coming together of the bride and groom's families and the couples love for each other shines through in every gorgeous detail of their wedding. 

I was at a lovely wedding reception yesterday and the scent of it, lingers in my mind still. It was simple, tasteful with elegant classic designs splashed all over from the dress to the wedding dais.

You know how we giggled silly over cool black and white photos of couples on their wedding day, the bride would be smiling and the groom is catching her eye just right and it looks like it is just the almost perfect candid picture? 

Well, those photos do not come cheap.. it comes with skills, experience and passion for capturing the perfect moment, froze in time forever.

I simply love photos that looks au natural, nothing overboard, nothing posed. Just believable, candid pictures and emotionally powerful. Love is in the air, in still pictures :)

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Blogging - Alive and Kicking

We all have heard this before, the pundits predicted that blogging will die off, a victim of Facebook, Twitter and other simpler methods of self expression. 

On the contrary, I find it amazing how blogging not only thrived but it has also evolved to a whole new dimension. 

Today's blogs offer everything under the sun, right from serious investigative journalism to blogs featuring most personal awkward photos. 

We get to share and view inner most personal thoughts and happenings from all ages, coming from all walks of life. 

It is kind of fun to be apart of a bigger picture. See you around :)

Oh Well, I Started Blogging

Welcome to a life worth living. It may not be the first day of me living in this charmed life but surely praying for many more enchanted days to come..