Friday, 30 November 2012

Enjoying the Waves

It was late noon, the sun was hovering over the seascape and I have the privilege of devouring it bit by bit. The view in total looked like something more than wonderful.

One cannot deny the fact that one found the view to be picture perfect, it was breathtakingly beautiful and most pleasing to the naked human eyes.

I was lounging comfortably on the daybed while watching the waves hitting the beach. It was telling a story. It was sharing the depth of the ocean.

Somehow, while I was reading between the lines; it revealed to me that when we dare to walk alone, leaving our past behind us, we will be free...

It was such a great honor when I get to be my imperfectly perfect self. The funny part was that with all the time I had, I only got through one magazine while sitting still at the very same spot for a couple of hours.

Since the sound of the waves was so mesmerizing - I was lost in translation. My mind was set wandering to a beautiful place, a sweet escapade that no one can intrude.

The sun, the ocean and the whole scenario made me see things from a different angle, a fresh perspective. I paid more attention to things that I have never really listened to. I was listening to myself; I was in awe of how many lives intertwined in ways we may never comprehend. 

It was like a mirror of notable spectacles with emphasis given on understanding ourselves. It was a lot more than I bargained for. Some of the random thoughts that came in the recollection of my memory was about the plus, minus and interesting points of the people around us and ourselves. 

Staying better in touch with people who matter to us. Paying attention to our true friends and rekindling the spark on age old friendship. Encouraging others and cheering them up.  Giving people we don't know a fair chance and the benefit of a fresh friendship to bloom. 

I personally think it is healthier to ignore nonconstructive, hurtful treatment or commentary. Self indulgence is only healthy once in a while; go treat ourselves only when we truly deserve it.  

Considering the conscious and unconscious mind being altered just by being swept away with the view from a room by a beach, I don't mind revisiting and doing this again.  

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