Friday, 28 June 2013


The funny thing about problems is that it is only a problem should we look at it as a problem. It will not be considered as a problem should we manage it it otherwise. The problem is only a problem if we perceive it as a problem. No problem, no problem, no problem.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


When we treat all the guys that come our way as special as our special guy, what is so special about the special relationship?

Just a thought on being special and making someone feel extra special when they are really special to you.


I like to be alone but that does not mean I am lonely. I simply embrace the solitude and seek solace by amusing myself with all things dear to me. I think you can relate to me when I said how there have been many times when we see some people who are surrounded by lots of people but at the same time feels so alone and depressed. 

Being alone because we can afford to choose to be on our own is quite different to being alone due to the fact that we do not have a choice. I love me-times and sometimes I just want to be with people I care about.

Alone, I can declutter my mind and put things in a lighter perspective. I think it is heaIthy for myself because I would be able to send out positive and good vibes when I decided to join the crowd.

The lone ranger, tee hee ;)

Monday, 10 June 2013

I did it again!

Once again, I fell into the same trap. I have forgotten the fact that no matter what ever I did or said, even with best or noblest intentions, will be misconstrued again and again. It is easy to accept and understand where it is coming from because past experiences have made certain people to form, shape, assuming the worst because it is something what they have concluded and affirmed in their pretty little minds.

Sometimes, we humans are just to arrogant to think that our believe system is flawed. It takes a lot to change  our perspective and perhaps thinking well of others is the first step one should take in order to make this world, a wonderful world.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


A winning attitude is good but wanting to win at all costs is just crude!

Friday, 10 May 2013

Self Concept

I am going down the road of self-concept. I like to think that our self-concept is  how we look at ourselves and that includes how we develop a sense of who we are as a person. I think we are all originals and make a certain kind of impact and difference  in our very own special way. 

Our self-concept influences how we set goals, our dreams and how we interact with the other people in our lives and the public.
There are variety of sources that contributes to developing our self-concept. My personal choice of how we perceive self would be the following : 
  • What other people say about us and how they treat us
  • Comparison to others
  • Cultural teachings which includes religious institutions and society influences among others.
  • How we evaluate ourselves—our own personal thoughts and assessment.
It is interesting to note these few questions...
  • Do we know what influence us?
  • Do we think our world view is important?
  • How are we challenged or comforted?
Now, how do we see ourselves again?...
I guess we all know how difficult it is to understand ourselves but should we acquire 'the art of understanding', we can use it to our advantage in making our way around this world. We have accepted the fact that we are far from perfect, we are flawed and a bit complicated by nature. Again, capitalising on our strengths and growing from weaknesses will make us UNIQUE in every sense of the word.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Keeping That Loving Feeling

I remembered a time when I said that I could never marry a man I didn't love. 
It felt like it was just yesterday when he swore that he loved me madly.
For each of us, love have it's own definition.   
We use the word love to define the feelings of utmost pleasure known to us.

pure hold dear.cherish.treasure.emotional security

  • Treat your most special someone with love and affection, and pay attention to their needs. 
  • Please try not to forget the special occasions, however trivial they may seem to you. 
  • And every now and then, show just how much you love her by giving her a memorable gift of love, be it a blink-blink thing or a priceless gift like a heartfelt letter of love. 
  • To a girl, you mean so much to her, because she shares all the intimate details of her life with you.
  • Focus. Make her feel like she’s the center of your universe all the time, especially when she’s with you.
  • As humans, respect plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves.
  • When we feel disrespected by someone important to us, we feel miserable. And this holds the same effect in relationships too. Don’t dismiss her opinions and ideas without listening to her, and don’t take her lightly just because *she’s a girl*.
  • In any kind of relationship, both parties have to learn to listen to each other and respect each other’s point of view.
  • By sharing our vulnerability, helpless side, the bond is stronger because we are not afraid of showing our weaknesses to each other.
  • Every now and then, compromise your wants for her needs. If she wants to watch a romantic movie while you want to watch something else, give in to her now and then. When she sees how you’re willing to give up something you like just to please her, it’ll only make her feel more loved and happy.
  • For a girl, a few hugs and sweet kisses feel just as special as a good round of passionate lovemaking.
  • Hold her hand, brush her hair away from her face, make her feel like you’re completely attentive to her needs, and most importantly, don’t hold yourself back from behaving in a silly manner if you can bring a smile on her face.
  • Make her laugh!
  • Make her feel secure when she feels like she can count and depend on you for anything.
  • Misunderstandings arise when there is a lack of communication in a relationship.
  • Happy relationships learn to express their feelings clearly. And every now and then, spend a few hours talking about each other’s lives. Be more involve in each other's life.
  • When we spend a lot of time talking about our future together, automatically we will feel more secure and loved by the other party. 
  • Chivalry is one of those big positive traits in a guy that separates the ordinary men from the gentlemen. Always be chivalrous around your special someone, and learn to treat her like a princess. She’ll definitely love your courteous side and all the pampering that comes with it.
  • Let each other know how lucky for having found each other.
  • Love should not be predictable, especially when it’s a happy surprise.
  • Call her up when she least expects your call and remind her about how much you miss holding her in your hands right at that moment.
  • Big birthday surprises and anniversary celebrations are always memorable. But to keep a romance alive, you don’t always need those big gestures all the time. It’s the little things in love that cement a relationship together better than those big gestures. Indulge in sweet romantic gestures every now and then to please her.
  • Make promises all the time, but make sure you fulfill them even if it takes years to do so.
For myself, I like to think how it is the smallest of romantic gestures that can bring the widest of smiles and brightens up our days :)

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Life is a Journey

Lately, I am not really sure on how I feel about a lot of things. It's getting kind of crazy and my imaginations are running wild. These pretty high and low moments makes me feel like I am going on some horrid roller coaster ride. It is the kind of torment that builds up a certain amount of anxiousness in my mind, heart and soul. I am struggling on how to deal with these mixed emotions.

There are times when I feel that it is so easy to just give it all up but there is a small voice deep inside me, asking me to have a little bit more patience, faith and courage in order to pass the test. This is just a test! We will get over it but the fact is that we will never know whether it is the road worth taking until we have walk the road in the best possible way.

Keep telling self that life after all, is a journey and not a destination. There are bigger things waiting, looming for us then...    

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Being Sober

Someone who loves us to bits can see how messy we are at times, put up with the mood swings, how difficult we can get and still wants to stand by our side,  love and care for us and dare not imagine living a day in a life without us.

Sober up!

I just feel so alone in my struggles, feelings, trials and tribulations. So, this is the sadness.


Who would have known how bittersweet this would be...
There must have been some truth when people say...
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead :(